As human beings, each of us is uniquely different which makes people management one of the most complex functions in the world. While organizations attempt to tackle people management just by hiring more HR team members, they might end up pushing the problem even further. But the good news is that HR technology is getting...
Tag: employee retention
“Hiring the wrong people is like shooting yourself in the feet” – CEO of JobHopin shared in an interview with JETRO
On October 20, 2022, Kevin sat down for an interview with JETRO – Japan External Trade Organization. He opened up about his inspirations behind becoming a startup founder, and the most critical lessons he’s learned along the way. The inspiration from Kevin’s grandmother Kevin Tung Nguyen grew up having a doctor for a father. Despite...
Human Capital Management – Key lessons for your workforce
The success of a company comes from its people. Human capital management is a thriving force for any organization toward its target. Investments in human capital heavily influenced the growth of leading companies like Google, Adobe, and IBM. The companies’ efforts show how much they care for their employees – their most valuable asset. To...
How many hours per week should you really be working?
The internet has made the line between work and home blurrier than ever, and it’s only getting worse. Especially with Millennials, success to them slowly becomes the amount of time they spend on work, and overwork turns into the norm of the new society. If ever asked, all of us would have serious problems finding...
Building employee career paths in the new era
One of the most common questions that pop up in a job interview is probably “Where do you see yourself in 5 years (career-wise)?”. As cliché as it has become, the question reveals some important things about the candidate: whether they will commit to the company for a long time, and whether their goals align. However, in...
Recruitment demands are rising for Vietnamese tech business
Overview A report conducted in 2020 by Navigos Group titled “ICT Employment: Current situation and strategy to meet new technology demands in Vietnam” showed that most technology companies aim to increase their employee scale in 2021. It shows how recruitment demands are rising rapidly in the Vietnamese tech scene. According to this report, the top...